5 At-Home Workouts to Get Six-pack Abs

Why, yes, there are plenty of at home ab workouts to get the six-pack of your dreams. Home is a great place to carve up your core—after all, a six-pack is mostly made in the kitchen.

“There’s no such thing as spot-reducing fat, and a six-pack is indicative of overall health and whole-body fitness, not just the state of the core muscles,” says Kendra Coppey Fitzgerald, founder of Barefoot Tiger in-home personal training services in NYC and LA. “If there’s too much fat on top of the ab muscles, you’ll never see them, no matter how much core work you do.” That means eating healthily and doing cardio plus heavy weight training to lean down and build muscles to lose weight overall. (Bummer, we know.)

Abs workout 1: Unilateral powerhouse

This one is great for targeting the deep core muscles and emphasizes good posture.

Do 3 rounds of the following:

20 Dumbbell Renegade Rows
20 Single-Arm Dumbbell Overhead Press With Twist (each side)
8 Split Squats (each side)
30 Dumbbell Suitcase Walking Lunges (each side)
8 Single-Leg Squats with Dumbbell Lateral Raise (weight in hand of the working leg), each side
15 Single-Leg Deadlift with Upright Row (each side)
Side Plank With 15 Dumbbell Flyes (each side)

Abs workout 2: No-crunch workout

There’s so much stabilizing going on here, your entire core will be burning way more than your abs do after a hundred crunches.

Do 3 rounds of the following:

20 Lying Bicycle Crunches With Overhead Dumbbell (hold the weight just off the ground, but don't let it touch)
10 Pushups
1-minute Side Plank
20 Supermans
Side Plank With 15 Dumbbell Flyes (each side)
Forearm Plank Series: Hold a plank for 15 seconds in each position:
- Forearm plank
- Right leg lifted
- Left leg lifted
- Right arm back to hip
- Left arm back to hip
- Right arm and left leg lifted
- Left arm and right leg lifted
- Forearm plank

Abs workout 3: Cardio core shred

Get your blood pumping (and the calories burning) with this high-energy workout.

Do 3 rounds of the following circuit. Rest for 1 minute between sets:

20 Skater Lunges
20 Mountain Climbers
20 Burpees
20 Knee-to-Shoulder Knee-ins (alternating sides)
1-minute Side Planks
20 Knee-to-Opposite-Shoulder Knee-ins

Abs workout 4: Plank variations

Because holding still in a simple forearm plank for an eternity is both boring and counterproductive, most people lose form after a minute, causing strain on their back. This routine keeps you moving so you keep seeing results sans the back pain. Bonus: No equipment needed.

Do the following plank series twice, resting between series:

15 Forearm Side Planks With “Thread the Needle” (curl top arm under and back up; repeat, then switch sides)
10 Pushups to Straight-Arm Side Plank
1-minute Side Plank
Forearm Planks with 20 Toe Taps (do all 20 with one foot then switch sides)
Forearm Plank with 20 Side-to-Side Hip Dips
20 Knee-to-Shoulder Knee-ins
20 Knee-to-Opposite-Shoulder Knee-ins
15 Forearm Side Plank With “Thread the Needle”

Abs workout 5: Standing abs workout

You don’t have to take all your core work lying down.

Do 3 rounds of the following circuit:

20 Dumbbell Chops (each side)
Plank with 20 Knee-ins (do all reps on one side, hold last one for 5 breaths, then switch)
8 Forward Lunges
8 Single-Leg Squats With Dumbbell Lateral Raise (weight on same side as working leg; do all reps on one side, then switch)
12 Single-Arm Dumbbell Overhead Press (each side)  
20 Dumbbell Swings 

                                                                                                               credits to shubham naik

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