Answer of the most famous proverb by Shree Swami Vivekanand ji.

"Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life; dream of it; think of it"

                             "उठो, जागो और तब तक नहीं रुको जब तक लक्ष्य ना प्राप्त हो जाये।"

                     The thought behind his greatest proverb shown above is belongs to the youth of our nation.He believed that our youth is spoiling their life behind some nusence things.He warned us about our freedom fighters who sacrifices their life to our valuable nation.And their sacrifices were not gone wasted.But he explained that you & only you the youth of india have to give value to their sacrifices by make india supremacy in the world.He told us about the way.For make india power full you have to start with your own changing.the steps below it;

  •  Question to yourself about the purpose of your life  
  • Make a determined aim.
  • Find the ways to achive it or make your own diffrent.
  • Never forget your aim & when you distrackted remember and ask a question to your self; Why you started?
  • Do hard work and remember that smart work is vital.
  • Make a game-changing time table.
  • Never be afraid to be diffrent & Never lose trust on your self.
  • sustain this until you achive your aim.

               Remember that history always created by some mad & impossible people who make his style and way to walk and live. and who makes history be immortal for the centuries.

                        Swami vivekanand is a visionary & iconic personality for the world.                               


Watch this video to learn more!!!

credits of this video to Sandeep Maheshwari

Nisarg Vashi

State level badminton player & JEE aspirant

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